Monday, March 31, 2008

Has Armageddon Arrived for the Licensed Trade?

Laurel has closed 60 pubs and then gone into liquidation, Camra announce 57 pub closures each month and Shepherd Neame issue a profit drop warning. Like for like beer sales throughout the UK are generally falling. We are being battered each day with more bad news.

The smoking ban has unquestionably presented a lot of licensed premises with deep financial problems, despite what those that support it would have us believe. And always remember that New Labour clearly stated in their election manifesto that pubs and restaurants would be excluded from the smoking ban.

So what does Government then do? Knowing that the cost of fuel, transportation , barley and a wealth of other factors that dictate costs to the operation of a pub have increased, and that a miracle would be required for many pubs to survive the increased operating costs Darling of the Exchequer imposes a whacking duty increase just to ensure that miracles don't happen!

The licensed trade must take on the Government if there is to be any likelihood of a long term future for pubs. In my area, East Sussex, pubs are closing at a terrifying rate and the really sad thing is that the closures do not appear to be giving any financial benefit to surrounding pubs. The customers are simply disappearing due to the high cost of an evening out in the local pub.

The grass roots of the trade must begin to bring customers on board in the fight for the survival of the great British pub.

Joe O'Riordan

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Another plus well done Joe, please keep up the good work the Guild is proud of you.
My sincere thanks to yourself and Mandy for getting me up to speed

Be Lucky
Brian Rees

Saturday, March 22, 2008

An addition to The Guild of Master Victuallers website

Hello Members.

Welcome to the new facility on offer, The Guild of Master Victuallers (GMV) blog.

The idea of this blog is that all members of the GMV can place their opinions and thoughts on it as can any person with a connection to the licensed trade. If customers of public houses, clubs, restaurants etc wish to make a constructive comment please feel free to do so, your contributions will be welcome.

Place your blog here on any subjects related to GMV membership, matters related to the licensed trade or the drinks industry in general and of course The Guild News.

It's a simple procedure you just have to register to create your free account but you must have your own email address. Go to home page and click on the black lettering GOMV BLOG, You will then be asked to apply to become an "author" and have to complete a few details. When you receive the email from me accepting your invitation simply click on the long blue address and follow the indtructions.

This will be a very worthwhile addition to the GMV website. I and others will regularly check the for new blogs to see the type of comments made and to learn more of the problems encountered by the licensed trade.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Joe O'Riordan
Editor - The Guild News

Friday, March 21, 2008

What is The Guild of Master Victuallers (GMV)


The GMV is an organisation, which assists and protects the business interests of Personal Licence Holders. Members of a local Licensed Victuallers Association (LVA) affiliate to the GMV where they exist, if there is no LVA in an area then you can join as a Direct Member. The major purpose being able, by becoming part of a body of licensees, to strengthen the ability of a single Personal Licence Holder, to protect the operational side of their business interests in a more powerful manner.

Many LVA's have been in existence for more than 100 years. It is that historical background that has given the GMV the substantial foundation of experience which enables it to perform at the level it does. It has always had to adapt to the many changes in licensing legislation and the needs and expectations of its members. It is this lengthy and professional experience coupled with the ability to adapt to change that formed the roots of the traditions on which the GMV is based and operates today.

Membership of the GMV is open to all Personal Licence Holders, whatever type of business they operate. Among the current membership there are operators of public houses, nightclubs, clubs, hotels and restaurants.

The GMV succeeds by offering a service that will protect, advise and assist the membership in all matters to do with the operation of licensed premises. This service operates from local issues right through to Government level. For further details of the services offered through membership of the GMV click on the 'Articles' button and then click on 'Problem Page' to see the extensive range of matters on which the GMV offers its members assistance and free advice.

At the helm of the organisation is Mr. John Madden CMBII, the Executive Officer, through whom all matters pass and are co-ordinated. He is the link for the affiliated LVA's and Direct Members.

The GMV has direct representation or contact with Government Departments, Licensing Authorities, Local Authorities, Environmental Health Departments, Revenue & Customs, Sky TV Services, The Performing Rights Society, Phonographic Performance Limited and all other agencies whether they have a substantial or minor effect on the licensed trade.
The membership area covered by the GMV extends from the South Coast to the Midlands to include London, the Home Counties and the West Country.


Traditionally the GMV, only accepted holders of the old Full On Licence into membership. Due to the tremendous changes in the industry, the Beer Orders of the late eighties, longer opening hours, the new millennium bringing the introduction of the Licensing Act 2003, the GMV has had to constantly adapt to the changing business and social world in which the licensed trade operates. The needs of the member has changed dramatically in recent years and that demand, along with the increased legislation and bureaucracy, has to be met.
The 21st century has seen the membership broaden its base, Personal Licence Holders from public house, nightclub, hotel and restaurants operators as well as those that work in the off trade section.

If you have been granted a Personal Licence you are eligible to make an application to join your local LVA, or if there is not one, then you may join the GMV direct. For details of your nearest LVA simply click on the LVA Details page or for direct membership speak to our Executive Officer on 01708-447899, John will answer any queries you have related to membership.


To provide a professional, purpose built service to meet the ever-changing requirements of our industry.
We ensure licensees receive the best advice and service in line with the Licensing Act 2003 and other legislation, regulations and rules governing the manner in which their premises are operated.
In almost every field we have recommended specialist companies/individuals ensuring the interests of our members are cared for. One such specialist is licensing solicitor. Mr. Thomas Henry of Vizards Wyeth, Dartford, Kent. In the very important field of licensed premises insurance we have an award winning broker, Dickson Insurance Brokers Limited of Watford who specialises in covering licensed premises and offers GMV members discounted premiums rates. The expertise applies to giving advice, information and assistance in matters such as applying for a Premises Licence, a Personal Licence, purchasing the lease or freehold of licensed premises, signing a tenancy agreement, assistance in ensuring fair rent reviews, employment legislation, Health & Safety issues, Environmental Health, Planning and Surveying matters, Licensing Authorities and/or Police prosecutions, appeals in the Magistrates Courts, Variation of a Premises Licence, Revenue & Customs, accountancy and all other matters associated with the licensed trade.

The Executive and Senior Officers and advisors are at hand via the telephone to assist members in matters that are urgent and require instant action. Click on the Senior Officers button and you will obtain details of the Executive and Senior Officers. In less urgent matters a member would normally contact their LVA Secretary or Chairman.

Every member receives, through the post, our bi-monthly magazine, The Guild News, free of charge to keep them informed.

Annual Conference normally takes place in May, in a resort town so that delegates, members and their families can enjoy a few days away mixing pleasure with the business of conference.
As a qualified professional licence holder you should be a member of a trade association in order to ensure you are kept aware of all aspects of what is happening within the industry.
It is not enough to sit back and benefit from the positive achievements of those that work hard for the individual licence holder without making a positive contribution. Membership does not commit you to having to attend lots of meetings and other time consuming activities, we are aware that the operation of a licensed business takes an extra-ordinary amount of time and hard work in the modern business climate. By becoming a member you will be kept well informed of all that is happening with regard the industry through this website and The Guild News.
Membership details are available by clicking on the Senior Officers button.

The National Parliamentary Committee

Our National Parliamentary Committee (NPC) represents the membership at Ministerial level. They meet regularly with other regions in England and Wales and Government representatives, including Ministers, to discuss national matters vital to the concerns of the trade. We have the very able Mr. Bill Sharp FBII looking after the interests of the GMV on the NPC, as well as having a licensing advisory role on Committees of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). Brian Rees FBII is our voting Delegate. The NPC meets quarterly to discuss a variety of matters which are of national interest or concern to the trade. The current Chairman of the NPC is Mr. Bernard Brindley.

Can you afford not to be a member?

Membership is annual; operating from the date the licence holder's application is accepted. The cost of becoming a member of the GMV and receiving the services and protection it offers is just £35.00 per annum, there is in addition an annual fee for joining your local LVA, if one exists, which differs slightly depending on the LVA concerned.
Additional information on membership matters, the work of the GMV and an application form is available from the Executive Officer, Mr. J Madden on 01708 447899.

GMV Social Aspects

The GMV has a comprehensive social side at both local and national level; this includes events arranged by the GMV, local LVA's. Ladies Auxiliaries and the Licenced Trade Charity. The social side incorporates dinner dances, ladies days, golf days, race days, theatre nights and a host of other events all of which give the members the opportunity to meet and discuss the trade with other licensees whilst enjoying the social ambience with fellow members and guests.
There is no feeling worse than that of isolation when on your own in times of trouble. As a member of The Guild of Master Victuallers you need never experience that feeling. For membership information contact: John Madden 01708 447899.
Licensed Trade Charity

There is in addition the The Licensed Trade Charity (LTC) which offers support to anyone who does or has worked in the drinks industry and has come upon a difficult time in their lives.
The charity helps all ages, including the children of those working in the trade which further includes the provision of first class schooling at their independant schools if required. Additional examples of support include those suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, children with disabilities, homelessness and poverty in old age. Their aim is to support people through these difficult times and help them to get back on their feet again. The GMV are positive supporters of the LTC