Thursday, April 3, 2008

brian rees

A good letter you managed to get printed in the Publican Joe.
But I believe it should also be mentioned that the Guild of Master Victuallers accept Direct
Members from areas that have no Licensed Victuallers Association, plus the Guild will advise
Licence holders if they would like to form or resurrect a Association and affiliate to the Guild


Joe O'Riordan said...

Hello Brian.

I think it would be a good idea to let publicans know the GMV will support them in creating new LVA's but how do we achieve that.

I think that a good way would be to advertsie the fact in the MA and the Publican

Joe O'Riordan

Anonymous said...

Here Here ...

brian rees said...

Hi Joe,
advertising is very expensive
Please give my details to any
Licence Holder requiring help
Brian Rees
44 Denbigh Road,East Ham
Tel.020 8472 4981
Mob. 0792 999 5270